Probably everyone of you remembers "type-in magazines" from the 80s - paper magazines with BASIC listings, ready to be typed-in on your own homecomputer.
Some of you might have heard of the recent German type-in magazine called "Weihnachten auf dem Commodore" (= Christmas on the Commodore), which launched in 2018 and spawned 4 issues since then, with around 20 listings each. The idea behind this magazine was to bring back some nostalgia during the quiet winter months, as many users have fond memories of receiving their Commodore computers as a Christmas gift. The magazine would allow them to experience the good old days again by sitting in front of their computer, taking a sip out of their tea cup, and typing in some nice little Christmas-themed games or animations.
all 4 issues of the BASIC x-mas type-in magazine "Weihnachten auf dem Commodore"
The magazine was very well-received and readers shared nice stories of how they typed in those programs, some even did that with their kids and had great fun. There is something magical about having something appear on your screen seemingly out of nowhere, right after typing just a few lines of BASIC.
Now the MEGA65 is approaching, and compared to the C64, it has a much better BASIC and runs a lot faster. Thus, it should be possible to create some really great new BASIC games, and it would be fun to share them in a real paper magazine for others to enjoy!
If you would like to help making this "MEGAZINE" come true, please provide a program which fits the following rules:
- provide a game or otherwise "fun" program
- people should be able to enjoy the program after they typed it in after all!
- less is more, you don't need to code the next Turrican in BASIC, something short and sweet will be perfectly fine!
- use 100% BASIC
- use proper BASIC commands instead of POKEs (i.e. BACKGROUND instead of POKE 53281, etc)
- please do not use assembly routines, the MEGA65's BASIC should be fast enough
- focus on readability
- no need to cram loads of commands into a single line
- make use of some REM comments, at least to divide the listing visually into logical sections
- don't spoil the fun!
- the program has to be previously unreleased
- do not publish the program on the mega65 filehost or on discord etc - typing in the program by oneself shall be part of the fun!
Deadline for submissions is: 30th SEPTEMBER 2022
Submit the game as a runnable PRG file to:
Also provide a small description if possible, and add some notes if certain ROM versions are necessary (ideally your program should run on the "official" ROM version)
After that, the magazine will hopefully go to print and can be purchased for a little price + shipping. Of course, everyone who provides a listing will receive his issue for free
I hope you like this idea and we'll create something nice together!