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Emulatoren xemu-xmega65 / xemu-xc65 bauen und benutzen

  • Das wird syshack erledigen. Da bei ihm momentan noch mitten in der Nacht sein dürfte, konnte er dass noch nicht sichten und einsortieren.

    Bitte etwas Geduld :)

  • xmega65 - Der Mega65-Emulator (implizit ein C65-Emulator)

    • Ein virtuelles SD-Card-Image wird gesucht unter: C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\xemu-lgb\mega65\mega65.img
    • Dieses SD-Card-Image kann man vom Emulator generieren lassen.

    xc65 - Der Commodore65-Emulator (kann nur C65 und nix anderes)

    • Hier wird noch ein ROM-File benötigt, wird weiter oben im Thread von @baxt3r erklärt. ("911001.bin" nach "C65-system.rom")

    Danke fürs Bereitstellen der Windowsversion! :zustimm:

    Für den Mega65-Modus habe ich das Image an die passende Stelle kopiert und umbenannt.

    Allerdings komme ich sowohl mit "xc65" als auch "xmega65" immer in den C65-Modus.

    Wo steckt denn der entscheidende Unterschied, den ich offensichtlich nicht finden kann, weil ich falsch schaue? :gruebel

  • Danke fürs Bereitstellen der Windowsversion! :zustimm:
    Für den Mega65-Modus habe ich das Image an die passende Stelle kopiert und umbenannt.

    Allerdings komme ich sowohl mit "xc65" als auch "xmega65" immer in den C65-Modus.

    Wo steckt denn der entscheidende Unterschied, den ich offensichtlich nicht finden kann, weil ich falsch schaue? :gruebel

    Nun ja, der MEGA65 startet natürlich wie der C65.
    Der Unterschied ist: beim MEGA65 kannste mittels ASM mehr tun als im C65er Modus.
    Denke daran: das BASIC 10 (unvollständig) ist ja nur am C65-Modus gerichtet. Die erweiterten fähigkeiten des MEGA müssen noch erforscht werden, bzw. vom TEAM M.E.G.A. dokumentiert werden, damit User & Programmierer diese auch nutzen können.

    In diesem Post ->
    Emulatoren xemu-xmega65 / xemu-xc65 bauen und benutzen

    habe ich ein .zip von Zaadii's MEGA-Pack-Disk gepostet.
    Sind vorwiegend BASIC-Programme.

  • Danke für die Erklärung!

    Ich ging fälschlicherweise davon aus, dass der Mega65 bzw. der Emulator davon die drei Modi (C64, C65, Mega65) jeweils getrennt hat. Ähnlich dem C128.

    Das war mir nicht klar, dass C65 und Mega65 zusammen im "C65-Modus" sind.

  • Danke für die Erklärung!
    Ich ging fälschlicherweise davon aus, dass der Mega65 bzw. der Emulator davon die drei Modi (C64, C65, Mega65) jeweils getrennt hat. Ähnlich dem C128.

    Das war mir nicht klar, dass C65 und Mega65 zusammen im "C65-Modus" sind.

    Laut Paul wirst du später mittels Tastenkombi beim Einschalten den Modus wählen können in dem du sein möchtest.
    Vom C65er Modus kannst du mittels "Go 64" wie beim C128er im 64er Modus wechseln.
    Es gibt ein Poke (leider zZ nicht zur Hand) womit du vom 64er Modus wieder im 65er Modus wechseln kannst.

    Der Unterschied zwischen C65 & M65 ist vor allem -> 3.5 MHz und VIC III im C65er und bis zu 50 MHz & VIC IV im MEGA65.

    Add.: Beim Fertiggerät kommt dann noch der Freezer/Taskwechsler dazu.
    Sehr schön zu sehen in Pauls Videos.

  • Es gibt ein Poke (leider zZ nicht zur Hand) womit du vom 64er Modus wieder im 65er Modus wechseln kannst.

    type "POKE0,64" in c64 mode to switch to 1MHz

    type "POKE0,65" in c64 mode to switch to 40 MHz !!!

    type "SYS58552" in c64 mode to switch to c65 mode

  • Add.: Beim Fertiggerät kommt dann noch der Freezer/Taskwechsler dazu.
    Sehr schön zu sehen in Pauls Videos.

    Der Freezer/Taskwechsler ist auch in der Widgetboard version des Mega65 (Nexys4DDR + DM65pic) schon mit dabei.
    Die Bedienung ist sehr komfortabel und erleichtert das Arbeiten mit dem Mega65 ungemein !

  • type "POKE0,64" in c64 mode to switch to 1MHz

    type "POKE0,65" in c64 mode to switch to 40 MHz !!!

    type "SYS58552" in c64 mode to switch to c65 mode

    Actually, those POKEs works in C65 mode as well, then it switches between 40MHz and the "standard" C65 speed. Mega65 (M65 for being short) has some CPU speeds, the "C64" ~1MHz, the "C65" ~ 3.5MHz, the "M65" 40MHz (currently, it changed some times already, because of the evolving design and timing details at FPGA level), but also has a "C128"-style 2MHz mode for example (bot no other C128 features, to be precise). Surely, in C65 mode, one can say "GO64" to go into C64 mode (resembling to C128, though the details are very different, surely this is not an M65 thing, it's the same on the C65). For C65, the "C64 mode" is not like C128, the additional hardware & co can be easily accessed if desired (though a "sequence of key values" needs to be written to enable VIC-III registers) so even C65 or M65 software can be realized with the need to load in C64 mode first ... A real C65's C64 mode is kinda limited in terms of C64 compatibility (eg, the problem with read-modify-write opcodes, no NMOS 65xx opcodes etc), M65 is expected to refine the situation a lot with better C64 compatibility in C64 mode. Also, interestingly, C65's VIC-III is kinda different from VIC-II (no way that's it only an "extended" VIC-II design, it's much more felt like a new stuff with trying to keep VIC-II basic features intact, as far as I can feel, at least from the implementation details level!), for example the designers felt, that it's OK to introduce the new scheme that VIC-III only changes video mode at every "bad line" and not between, and they even claimed that it's a good thing and helps split-screen programming. Well, I am not sure if it's a great idea ;) Anyway, VIC-II and VIC-III are kinda different, even if no VIC-III features are used, not so much hope for any "modern demo effect" to be able to work on C65/VIC-III even not in C64 mode using only "legacy" VIC-II modes and registers because the details, timing, etc are kinda different. I think, M65 tries to refine this situation as well ... Though these comments of mine are basically more my experience programming/emulation M65 and C65 rather than being any official statement of the M.E.G.A. team in this case!

    Hopefully this was not too much off-topic from me to mention.

  • @der_funker:
    Die Videos findest du in der Wolke unter Filme/Mr.Zaadiis YT Video
    Ins Freeze mneu kommst du normalerweise, wenn du beim c64 die Restore Taste für ca. 1-2 Sekunden drückst. Länger = Reset, kürzer = Restore
    Laut EmulaThor, iirc, ist das Freezemenu aber schon implementiert.

  • Is this trustworthy, or did I just install a virus ?!


    The site is now blacklisted as well as containing malware.

  • Is this trustworthy, or did I just install a virus ?!

    The site is now blacklisted as well as containing malware.

    Huh ... I believe at least it's just a false positive ... I haven't even used Windows to create those EXEs _THOUGH_ it's surely never say never, I had to use Nullsoft's NSIS installer creator (running with wine on Linux) to create those installers. That is one reason I hate Windows, always dealing with stupid viruses etc ... But if you google for "nullsoft trojan" you'll see how many articles found that many antivirus software treats Nullsoft's installer as virus/trojan/whatever, which is their fault ... So at least I *believe* that's only a false positive (in fact, some articles mentions that the reason for this: though NSIS is a legit installer creation tool, many virus/trojan author started to use it to pack dangerous content inside, so some antivirus software now badly marks the NSIS itself as being a virus). Maybe other with more Windows experience can judge on this, I can only develop software for Windows (with cross-compiler running on Linux), but I never actually even used Windows, so I no idea about this virus world too much :-O

    So it seems it's very hard to make any Windows based distribution of Xemu, always some problem, should I stick with source, and let windows users to compile? Windows world simply does not allow too much things, and always causes problems, it seems, we should all use Linux :) Ah, probably not. Just I am sad because of these stupid Windows/virus problems :( Though, as always, I am open with suggestions, even with ones that I should try another scriptable installer makers to create installers for Windows, and similar things. Thanks in advance!

  • Btw, I tried to insert a warning on that download page of mine about the problem, with a link to the nullsoft's article about the TONS of false positive on NSIS installers ... This kinda sucks though, I'm really unsure how this should be done better not to "catch the attention" of antivirus software with a sane enough installer. Btw, still, some windows expert/power-user/tester/etc is still wanted to fill the holes of my lacking Windows knowledge ... Thanks.

  • Thanks for the explanation. Our security system had a fit over it, but I believe you that it is false from using the NSIS installer.

    The builds are very much appreciated. You can just zip them up and distribute them that way- much easier! Most of us old-school guys do not need installers. :)

  • Just by the way: The NSIS Installer for creating windows installs is also available for Linux. So no need to use wine for this. In ubuntu this pakage is named "nsis"

    Wow, I haven't even had the idea that it can be the case, useful advise, I'll check it out, thanks!

    Thanks for the explanation. Our security system had a fit over it, but I believe you that it is false from using the NSIS installer.

    The builds are very much appreciated. You can just zip them up and distribute them that way- much easier! Most of us old-school guys do not need installers. :)

    :) :) That's funny, because I exactly tried to put work into this, to provide more easy way for windows users to be able to try Xemu :) OK, I'll put out a zip file as well then, with just the xemu's exe files and the needed SDL2.dll for the given architecture (32/64 bit version of exe+dll).