Has anyone created a replacement 7360/8360 (TED) for the 264 series?
Replacement 7360/8360 TED 264 series?
- itguy
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
Not a full drop in replacement yet, but the major work has been done: https://hackaday.io/project/11460-fpgated
I'm contemplating* to do a edge-level exact drop-in-replacement:
WIP: MOS656x / VIC-I/II Ersatz für den VC20/C64: VIC-ious Video
As you can see I've already collected (more than) enough TED8360 to be decapped for
a full reverse-engineering on silicon level. However no start/release date for this
project exists as I'm currently working on other replacements and there are quite
a few other MOS/CSG chips I'd like to look INTO (literally) too.* That means: No promises that I'll finally do it... if someone else will do a good replacement I'd refrain but let's see.
I already knew about that project on hackaday
I can not read german without using google translate
Das ganze scheint leider wohl ein Traum zu bleiben😢
Istvan's Projekt hat wohl seinen Weg in dieses hier gefunden: https://retrohax.net/the-thed-project-update/ (wurde hier m.W. auch schon verlinkt...?)
Die letzten Updates sind aber auch schon eine Weile her.
Das Projekt habe ich auch im Auge. Aber es bewegt sich nichts. Dabei war eine Meldung dort ja schon sehr „weit“, aber danach eben zulange keine Updates. Also Stillstand bis…?