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Joystick support Xemu

  • 1. USB joysticks "should" work, though there can be problem if you connect it before the emulator started, it depends if SDL emits joystick attach events in that case too. The only USB "joystick" I have is an old XBox controller borrowed from a friend of mine, so I could do some kind of support, but I admit, I didn't have extensive testing, and I have no idea how my code works in this regard on a Pi.

    2. Currently there is no GPIO port support for joystick (or other feature), mostly because I have no Raspberry Pi to test/develop (I have a pi3, but it's my home "server" also kind of slow for MEGA65 emulation). In theory it wouldn't be so hard to implement though, I guess. Hopefully one day I can do it, if I buy a decent Pi some day ...

    3. There are also keyboard based solutions, ie the numeric keypad arrows are mapped as joystick. In addition you can activate the "Cursor keys as joystick" mode in the "Input devices" menu which changes the behaviour of cursor keys to be handled as joystick till you deactivate this mode (surely, when active, cursor keys lost the original mapping being the cursor keys). This is mostly for ppl preferring the cursor keys, or when the kbd does not have numpad.