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Hardware Internals Book

  • Hi,

    it has been planned, to give the MEGA65 out with a handbook/manual in the style of the Commodore manuals.

    This is something we want to get, because we think it is a big part of the retro-feeling to go through a papertext, where most

    important information is accessible fast 'n easy. (christmas '85)

    For the VHDL implementation and the current staus of the manual, you can jump to the GitHub page and browse. It's Open-source.

    The information about the c65 & chips is available in the net

    I know, that you probably mean an more detailed essay about the nuts 'n bolts of the MEGA65. The information will be available, once the release revision board is ready, but the team's prime focus is the MEGA65 development and it's release

    --- authors & coders welcome :thumbup: ---

  • Hello,

    so this is what we currently have. Writing a complete manual that meets our wishes of how it should be proves again to be incredibly demanding. We do this as a group effort and absolutely rely on volunteers. Some really great people are working on it for months already. Anyone who thinks he could possibly contribute in any way, please let us know. Some things just take us years to finish so any help speeds up things.

    MEGA share folder: https://mega.scryptos.com/sharefolder/MEGA/MEGA65

    Pass: 65

    userguide.pdf will be updated with autoversioning, go to list view to see it more easily. Use double click and right mouse button as always.



  • Are there any plans on the horizon for a book detailing the internals of the Mega65 hardware, such as the VHDL implementations of the C65 chips? This would be really interesting reading.

    If the goal is an interesting read, then going through the blog from the beginning through all the twists, turns and adventures is a good option. If you are after current information, then the Guide that Deft shared above is the best place. Expect it to get updated in various places over the coming weeks, as I am using the MEGA65 to teach an operating systems course.

