Recently I am reading trough MEGA65 Docs and trying to figure how new VIC-IV features work. So I started to write some simple examples in Kick Assembler.
I wrote simple example to put checker patter on 320x200x256 VIC-IV full color mode. Problem I am having is that each character looks like it is trimmed from
right side.
In this mode each char is 8x8=64 bytes in memory. But when I look it on screen it appears like characters are 6x8 pixels eg. 2 pixels are missing
from right side of the character.
So the whole image should look like this
But when I run it on MEGA65 hardware I get this 2 black, 2 white, 2 black and (2 white missing pixels) ...
I have put source code on GitHub so anybody can look and see where the bug could be or maybe learn something from this ?
mega65_samples/mega65_vic4.asm at master/origin · dcubranic2/mega65_samples (