Very good thread this, because I've got exactly the same problem on one of my 64s, c64c 250469, fuse blows in a few seconds.
I've checked all the chips, voltages to ground etc., as mentioned on other sites, Lemon, and the schematics. One of the memory chips get's too hot to touch quickly, I suspect it's that, but I'm going to check the serial port as well, mine looks as if it's been taken out and resoldered back in. I'm going to check mine as well now............and buy some more fuses!!!
Also going to check all the discrete components as mentioned in this thread.
Thanks for the info.
Right, that's it, ordering pico and the pi from Restore now.
Brilliant. Thank You Frenetic
By the way: There is a new release from thierer.
Yes, just noticed the v1,0 on your github page.
A lot of it confuses me! What are the advantages if your version over the official one?
Thank you
I'm after the last version released also on the previous page, SD2IEC Nirvana collection v3.0 also.
Q:\public\Forum64_Wolke\Software\C64\Nirvana Game Collections SD2IEC Nirvana V3.0.zip
Q:\public\Forum64_Wolke\Software\C64\Nirvana Game Collections SD2IEC Nirvana V3.0_ReadMeFirst.txt
Thanks for confirming, much appreciated.
Well get there with the posts, I'm after the last version released also on the previous page, SD2IEC Nirvana collection v3.0 also.
Please tell me if it's still on the FTP, otherwise I think I'll cry, getting too fed up with lots not working, and none of the disk demos ie CSDB, work either!
(Jurgen leaving Liverpool for the Germany manager job do you think?)
Well I've had enough of the SDIEC, getting one of these - got to have true drive support. I know, I could build a PI!541, but it's buying the PI1541, the PI, the mini to HDMI lead, the mini to 4 port USB hub, the keyboard pcb, and the joystick pcb. TRue drive emulation, and TAP (with the addon) is cheaper, and no messing around!!
I never signed up for the vinyls, the flacs were good enough of me. But as vol 5 is late, I've lost interest in it a bit.
You'd think he didn't need the money, did he' write Believe for Cher? Or has a writing credit on it?
I saw this before Christmas, you can download a 10 minute demo. Great I thought, it's got about 30 different versions of the sid chips to try. All the sids I tried sounded all exactly the ssme, but tto be fair, without a manual, I didn't really know what I was doing!
You'd think they'd be running out of ones to add, but I guesss they get them from new demos of CSDB.
What I like is they still fix ones, and do that txt file telling us about new updates to utils/players etc.
Oooo, you cheeky people winding me up!!!!
I hope it takes off, demos with 4 sids, would be incredible. Looks really good, 64c style, but modern. I like it.
Good grief, I didn't know someone had actually made one out of FPGAs, look at those specs!! 800 Euro's, but wow, look at it!!!! I get paid on Wednesday, but I think the wife would kill me if ordered one. Then again, could put it on the credit card!!!!
There is no MEGA65! All sites that claim this or even show photos of it are fake!
Well you can pre order it, MEGA65 - 8-Bit Computer Spec and the design of it looks great.
Good grief, I didn't know someone had actually made one out of FPGAs, look at those specs!! 800 Euro's, but wow, look at it!!!! I get paid on Wednesday, but I think the wife would kill me if ordered one. Then again, could put it on the credit card!!!!
Many thanks, shame there's nothing "proper" to run on it, apart from basic stuff.
MobyGames lists 3565 ZX Spectrum games to play on this core ... not enough ?
Ah, I was thinking of the Mega65 which was a cross between a 64 and an Amiga, but never released!
C65 - C64-Wiki
Many thanks for the reply and explanation.
Ultimate's were available when I checked earlier this week.
148 Euros - Ultimate64 | Cartridges
Interesting thread....I also didn't know about quitting the browser and trying the LOAD"*",8,1 either, so thanks for that, and all those who've uploaded working d81's!
Nice read, hope it might get some more demos working - THanks!!
I tried to use google translate into English on the site, but that logs me out, so I can't post. Can anyone help?
Really after sd2iec colllection by user Nirvana, and as I can't remember German from school 40 years ago, I'm struggling a bit to get to 30 posts!
Also, as the sd2iec doesn't have true drive mode, most disks don't work because of their custom loader - should I go for an Ultimate with the TAP addon do you think? Or use an old C64, get the PI1541, a PI, and the keyboard pcb to connect the real 64 keybaord?
Sorry for all the questions, and sorry if I've posted in the wong place"
Many thanks,
Many thanks, shame there's nothing "proper" to run on it, apart from basic stuff.
Do you really get that many spammers so quickly? I've jnust joined to get the SD2IEC pack by Nirvana, and as I don't speak German, this could take a while!!! Goolge translat isn't always the best!!
See you around the forums, asking simple questions for you, that are complicated for me!