Option ROM is not dependent on any Kernal or Basic, if it uses not routines of them, if uses, Kernal like JiffyDOS has built-in common.
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Option ROM is not dependent on any Kernal or Basic, if it uses not routines of them, if uses, Kernal like JiffyDOS has built-in common.
The MiSTer has a very big advantage to the Mega65 System.
It contains a dual core 900MHz ARM CPU with 1GB RAM.
Here comes my Q:
We all know that it is possible to pre-order M65 only, even real production date for not so fast reacting buyers is I think far.
I'm watching M65 project since 2013 where is was yet C65GS...
Really it is 8 years away and I saw only devel machines and now pre-ordering.
I don't want to wait, it can be very long time - small batches of production.
I want to make choice to decide:
buy MiSTer or M65... Mister gives me more platforms and M65 not yet.
Is possible to run M65 core on MiSTer? Look at quote.
No matter of porting - hardware requirements and I know possible incompatibilities to real HW.
Thank you for explaining.
I'm still waiting for my package of ordered Raspberry Pi 4B 2GB RAM.
I'm searching all around BMC and really want to use with C128 keyboard.
It is not Q between C64 or C128 keyboard - I found links to adapter with 2 Control ports and also Keyrah.
I want to ask if is possible to connect keyboard directly to GPIO or another way and if exist and software to use with.
There's also Q - I know it will need own software - if is possible to use C128 keyboard with another OS or application,or is it only BMC case? Something like C= Key from Jim Brain Store...
Thank you for each help, reply or comments.
Thank you.
C65 memory map will be great resource.
I was searching very small and short commented ROM/RAM disassemply/map for
- value for A, X, Y register for SYS command
- value for Z register for SYS command
- value SR for SYS command
- value SP for SYS command
- value of Bank for SYS command
- SYS routine address
- LO and HI byte for use with SYS command as address
But nothing found - C65 is more undocumented than documented, Mega65 ROM/RAM description Ithink is not final so notapplicable.
Like we know SYS command can be performed with preloaded register values and even preform in ML code using LO and HI byte - since Basic 7on Commodore 128 can be called
SYS <address>, A,X,Y,S
So,where to findthese values an/or good resources?
For complete found info:
0005 SR value for SYS
0006 A reg. value for SYS
0007 X reg. value for SYS
0008 Y reg. value for SYS
0009 SP value for SYS
0002 Bank value for SYS
0003 LO-byte SYS address
0004 HI-byte SYS address
22661 / $5885 SYS
780 $030C A value for SYS
781 $030D X value for SYS
782 $030E Y value for SYS
783 $030F SP value for SYS
20 $0014 LO-byte SYS address
21 $0015 HI-byte SYS address
57642 $E12A SYS
780 $030C A value for SYS
781 $030D X value for SYS
782 $030E Y value for SYS
783 $030F SR value for SYS
57639 $E127 SYS
2034 $07F2 A value for SYS
2035 $07F3 X value for SYS
2036 $07F4 Y value for SYS
2037 $07F5 SR value for SYS
Thank you for help.
Here is whole code of simple CMD-hardware check (HD, FD, RAMLink and RAM Drive) - used in C128 System Information 7.5
???? What do you think about price ????
1000 EUR - do you think that it will have success?
I was interest in, but now I am not,.
Hi all!
I'm on FB in group "Modern Retro Computing" and today was posted this work, looks nice:
Please forgive me this article if is unwanted.
I'm really 128er but sometimes I'm creating comparison between VDC, VIC-I, VIC-II and TED.
I have for displaying graphics C128 and C16+4 emulators which displays all correctly
Z64K - best C128 emulator at all - in case of graphics has also deinterlacing option in three choices
YAPE - displays all possible - screenshot is possible to do really good, but interlace of screenshot is not best
But C64 has too many emulators and when I try to find any it is like blind tip - count of emulators is large.
I know that maybe VICE is best C64 emulator - correct me if is it not true - but VICE has no deinterlacing option.
I know that waiting from C64 emulator any deinterlacing option is for many users useless 'cause VIC-II supports not interlace.
Really what is called on other platforms interlace it expands resolution and mix colors, but C64 only swaps frames without resolution change - really it is according to FLI named flexible line interpretation, no interlace.
Swapping frames allows to get 136 colors , but resolution is not changed. So anyone from you can ask - why you need deinterlacing?
Simple: swapping frames produces flickering what is common also in real interlace - this I need to remove to create progressive scan.
And here it meets problem - progressive scan joins together even and odd frames - and this C64 produces not. So, exist any emulator which mix colors? Or produces stable picture like progressive scan?
BTW: I understand not C64 designers why they removed from VIC-II chip interlace option 'cause VIC-I, VIC-IIe and VIC-III this option have. It is not fair for C64 users.
Thank you for recommendations.
Ok, I look at.
Thank you all for help.
I'm new owner of Ultimate II+.
I owned in past Ultimate1 and later Ultimate2.
Now arrived II+ and I tried to use standard disk command T-RA to read date/time.
I have configured devices 9 and 10 as 1541-II so there's no way I think.
I have configured virtual drive as 12 and tried it there - always is UI command reporting Syntax error.
So, how to read and write real time clock of 1541 Ultimate? Computer used is Commodore 128 DCR.
Thank you in advance.
My German is very poor, but I couldn't to ignore it.
Yes, C1084 can display CGA, of course digital TTL. 8-pin DIN is ok.
But WARNING here: If you replace videocard to EGA never, really never power-on with connected C1084 powered-on!
EGA allows to inverse sync - and this KILLS your C1084, even near all Commodore monitors not capable to handle inverse sync.
I'm 128er and C128 VDC version 8568 (DCR version) allows to use it and can produce 16 color EGA - but this mode is on all Commodore monitors their DEATH.
VDC 8563 used in C128 and C128D has not this feature 'cause it has not 38th register of 8568.
I used EGA mode on C128 only by converters CGA to VGA or others with turned off C1084.
So, have it in mind when/if you change videocard to EGA.
Ok, understand.
I need to find other solution, but now I know how to set and get uIEC date/time.
Thank you all.
I found problem - time is set, but until I reset computer.
Is possible by any way save time for later?
I know that uIEC has not battery.
Nice code example - really perfect.
So, accepts "T-WA" MON/TUE... etc. - three letter day of week? And needs it dot after DOW?
Thank you.
I used for reading date/time from uIEC "T-RA" command - all was correct.
When I tried to use "T-WA" to write date/time I found problem - date/time is not possible to change, even device no error reports.
I used simple code (date and time are only example, uIEC device number is 11):
then uIEC reports no error, but date/time is never changed.
How to fix it?
Thank you for all.
Load address as ID is bit problem.
If you want to create backward compatible Basic that can run older programs - if are not machine specific, other Commodore computers have different load address. If it loads Basic program to default location e.g. $0801 and load address is $1000, it will not recognize M65 or C64 mode...
But it is possible to override.
If load address does not match, it can run M65 mode as default.
Because Basic 2 is backward compatible only with lower versions, so only VIC20 uses different address. Later models have higher version.
Thank you Paul.
Exist any Mega Basic repo or any binary. Of course - alpha or beta - if it is not close.
I think it will be hard decision for Paul.
Basic 10 is even not backward compatible with older.
Request was also to create backward compatible Basic.
Work on Mega-Basic began - but don't know if for C64 mode only.
My choice, if it could be my decision, could be use both.
Finish original Basic 10 and create also backward compatible Mega-Basic with using all extended M65 functions.
Yes, many people can say why original...was near never used.
And other thing is to create 3 modes of operation: M65, C65, C64...
The problem of Basic 10 is that was not finished.
I found even more problems when I tried to draw Mandelbrot.
I have available only commonly known 911001 ROM. On this forum was posted about ROM from november/december 1991. It was not (yet) shared. But it can be also not fixed problem.
Please - always remember: C65 was never finished.