How do you think about buying a Mega65? 89
Shut up and take my money! Whatever it'll cost, I'll buy the Mega65! (14) 16%
It's a great machine! I will buy it if the price is not more than about 500 EUR. (13) 15%
I'm very interested in the Mega65, but something about 300 EUR is my personal limit. (22) 25%
I'm interested, but prefer to wait and decide after the first ones are sold (after reading reviews and so on) (11) 12%
It's a nice project, but I don't plan to buy a Mega65. (24) 27%
No, go out of my way! I'll never buy a Mega65. (5) 6%
Reading these lines from adtbm in this post here ...
And to take preorders, we would need to able to set a price, but we are not allowed to make profit, so we just can't set a price, because we don't know how many people would preorder. You see, it's a "chicken/egg what came first" thing....
I thought about a poll about the general interest in buying a Mega65.
Of course this is NOT an official preorder or something else.
It's just about to get a first impression about how is the interest in buying a Mega65.
So how do you think about buying a Mega65?