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Kernal64 emulator configuration help - Windows

  • Hi!

    I downloaded Kernal64 emulator.
    I was following instructions: installed JRE, placed ROMs to destination folder and configured Kernal64.bat and Kernal128.bat.
    I'm using Windows 10.1803 Pro x64.

    I tried to start it, but it on moment shows command line window, then closes and nothing more.

    How to configure Kernal64 and Kernal128 emulators?

    Here's BAT file of Kernal64.bat file content:

    1. @echo off
    2. set HOME=%~dp0
    3. set LIB=%HOME%lib
    4. set ROMS=%HOME%roms
    5. set CP=%ROMS%;%LIB%\kernal64.jar;%LIB%\jinput.jar;%LIB%\scala-library.jar;%LIB%\scala-parser-combinators_2.12-1.0.5.jar;%LIB%\commons-net-3.3.jar;%LIB%\dropbox-core-sdk-1.7.7.jar;%LIB%\jackson-core-2.2.4.jar
    6. rem to add custom Kernals set the variable below adding -Dkernal=<kernal file> -D1541kernal=<1541 kernal file>
    7. rem both kernal files must be placed under roms directory
    8. rem example: KERNALS_ROM=-Dkernal=jiffydos_kernal.bin -D1541kernal=jiffydos1541_kernal.bin
    9. set KERNALS_ROMS=-Dkernal=JiffyDOS_C64_Kernal_6.01.rom -D1541kernal=JiffyDOS_1541_5.0.rom
    10. start javaw -server -Xms64M -Xmx128M -cp %CP% -Djava.library.path=%LIB% %KERNALS_ROMS% ucesoft.cbm.c64.C64 %*

    Thank you for help.