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C128 310381 REV7 Schwarzer Bildschirm (aber funktionert nach Reset)

  • Ich bekomme kein OUTPUT auf U27 PIN9. Auf TRIGGER PIN8 bekomme ich +4.76v aber zu langsam (in vergelich zu ein andere C128).


    [*]Output: Pin 3 is the output pin. The output is either low, which is very close to 0 V, or high, which is close to the supply voltage that’s placed on pin 8. The exact shape of the output — that is, how long it’s high and how long it’s low, depends on the connections to the remaining five pins.
    [*]Trigger: Pin 2 is the trigger, which works like a starter’s pistol to start the 555 timer running. The trigger is an active low trigger, which means that the timer starts when voltage on pin 2 drops to below one-third of the supply voltage. When the 555 is triggered via pin 2, the output on pin 3 goes high.