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Opencbm unter Ubuntu 8.10 läuft :) aber hätt da ne Frage !

  • So!

    Ne schöne Anleitung aus dem INET geholt mit dem man sich das OpenCbm
    auf Ubunut 8.10 kompilieren kann. Hat sofort geklappt. Dei Anleitung häng ich unten hin.
    Meine Frage :

    Wenn der Kram kompiliert ist und ich möcht das mal wieder löschen ?!
    Wo ist alles gespeichert damit da keine Reste auf Platte bleiben ?
    Bei der Paketverwaltung ists ja praktisch... da geht man auf Enfernen und alles incl. ConfigDaten werden gelöscht.


    Bin in Sachen Linux noch net soooo fit ;-)

    lg Wilbo

    Hier mal die Anleitung zum Compilieren auf Ubuntu 8.10


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    Old January 29th, 2008 #6
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    Re: Compiling and Installing OpenCBM / cbm4linux
    I've successfully compiled the latest version OpenCBM (0.4.2a). I haven't yet had a chance to pull out my disks and 1571 drive yet to try it, but compiling and installing worked. Here's what I did:

    First there are a few dependencies to take care of:

    sudo aptitude install build-essential linuxdoc-tools linuxdoc-tools-info linuxdoc-tools-latex linuxdoc-tools-text

    Next, after downloading and unzipping the opencbm-0.4.2a-src.zip file located on this page to a folder inside your home folder (I used ~/opencbm/), make sure that all current patches are applied to your source files.

    Then it's just a matter of opening up a terminal inside the folder where your source files are, and following the install instructions found here, under the heading "Compilation." In Ubuntu-specific terms, it's basically

    make -f LINUX/Makefile
    sudo make -f LINUX/Makefile dev
    sudo make -f LINUX/Makefile install

    A note for the impatient (like myself): toward the end of the 1st install command listed above, the script will issue a command that appears to hang for several minutes. What it's actually doing is generating a PDF help file -- but it takes a while. Don't stop it. It'll finish. It's got more work to do after that, so don't cut it short.

    So those are the steps I took to get it to compile and install. Like I said before, I have not yet had time to give it a test (I anticipate some problems there too). However if you try it out before I do, be sure to let us all know any problems or successes you encounter!

    Last edited by myrddinemrys; June 9th, 2008 at 05:49 AM..
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    Old June 8th, 2008 #7
    Spilled the Beans

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    Re: Compiling and Installing OpenCBM / cbm4linux
    After following the steps in my previous post, you should have a successful install of OpenCBM. Getting it working requires just a few more steps. The series of commands below are from the OpenCBM documentation under Loading the Module, but slightly modified to be Ubuntu-specific.

    First, make sure your Commodore drive is connected with whatever X1541 cable you're using, and turned on. Then issue these commands:

    sudo depmod
    sudo modprobe parport
    sudo rmmod lp
    sudo modprobe cbm

    After a few seconds (maybe 5-10) you should be ready to go. Type

    cbmctrl detect

    to test it out.

    Please understand, the new device "/dev/cbm" disappears after a shutdown or reboot. I'm sure there's a way to make it persistent, but for my own sporadic use its behavior is fine. Therefore, whenever you need to use OpenCBM, just do this:

    1. Log in and open up a terminal.
    2. Go to your OpenCBM directory (the one you installed from), i.e. Type "cd ~/opencbm"
    3. Connect and turn on your Commodore drive.
    4. Type the following commands:

    sudo make -f LINUX//Makefile dev
    sudo rmmod lp
    sudo modprobe cbm

    5. Enjoy OpenCBM!

    For the curious:

    The reason I include "sudo rmmod lp" is because I discovered that the OpenCBM module would not load because it could not get exclusive access to the parallel port. After getting an error after the "sudo modprobe cbm" step, I typed:


    which gave a more descriptive error:
    parport0: cannot grant exclusive access for device cbm
    cbm_init: could not register with parallel port
    With help from the troubleshooting section of the OpenCBM documentation, I figured out the module "lp" was tying up the port. So issuing "sudo rmmod lp" freed up the port for OpenCBM to use exclusively.

    Anyway, it feels good to take this item off my list of apps I still need Windows for!
    Last edited by myrddinemrys; June 9th, 2008 at 05:52 AM..
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    Old July 13th, 2008 #8
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    Re: Compiling and Installing OpenCBM / cbm4linux
    Thanks myrddinemrys,

    Your instructions worked perfectly for me.



  • Wenn der Kram kompiliert ist und ich möcht das mal wieder löschen ?!
    Wo ist alles gespeichert damit da keine Reste auf Platte bleiben ?

    Wenn du das Verzeichnis, in dem du OpenCBM kompiliert hast noch hast (~/opencbm), dann kannst du dort "make uninstall" aufrufen. Genauer auf deinen Fall bezogen und vollständig:

    1. cd ~/opencbm/
    2. sudo make -f LINUX/Makefile uninstall
