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So, holt eure MEGA65 raus! Die erste Version des C64-Core ist heute auf dem Filehoster zum Download freigegeben worden:
Quote from Readme.mdDisplay MoreC64 for MEGA65
Experience the Commodore 64 with great accuracy and sublime compatibility
on your MEGA65!
This core is based on the MiSTer Commodore 64 core which itself is based on
the work of many others.
MJoergen and sy2002 ported the core to the MEGA65 in 2022.
With our Release 1, we are striving for a retro C64 PAL experience: The core
turns your MEGA65 into a Commodore 64, with a C1541 drive and a pair of
Joysticks. No frills. The C64 runs the original Commodore KERNAL and the C1541
runs the original Commodore DOS, which leads to authentic loading speeds.
You will be surprised, how slowly the C64/C1541 were loading...
And you will be amazed by the 99.9% compatibility that this core has when it
comes to games, demos and other demanding C64 software. Some demos are even
recognizing this core as genuine C64 hardware.
IMPORTANT: Right now we are only supporting MEGA65 R3, R3A and newer. R2
machines are not supported, yet. This might change in future.
Learn more including how to install by reading the manual:
Learn more about features and contraints and the roadmap:
See who contributed to make this great MEGA65 core: